I would also like to give a shout out to my Mom who hasn't gotten ample love here on FletchSports. For anybody who knows her, I don't have to explain her vacation planning and tour guiding skills, for those who do not know her, lets just say she is the queen of travel. After the game against BBV Hagen, Andrew and my other friend Goldy had our first Euro trip 09' (AKA Lords of the Mediterranean) meeting. I can't count on my hands how many times our trip changed since the first things were mentioned about traveling after season. I have learned a ton from my Mom about how to travel on a budget but more importantly, how to get into things that you'd never find on your own, and meet people to the point where they want to help you not just because you're from out of town but because they appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness to explore.
For example, while in Barcelona we were drawn to a huge sailboat sitting in the Barcelona marina. As we approached the sailboat it was clear that this marina is THE marina of Barcelona and home to some of the most expensive boats in all of Europe. There is a security guard on guard 24/7 making sure there's no funny business around the docks. The guard on duty this particular night was a very smart and witty fella who knew boats like the back of his hand. So my Mom of course hits him with her immediate 20 questions that she somehow can throw at anybody, anyplace, anytime and gets the scoop on the whole marina and who owns what boat, yadadya ya... At the end of the 10-15 minute conversation (through a cold February night accompanied with a light Spanish drizzle), we know the best place in the city to eat (only 200 euros a plate) from the best places to visit during the day that nobody but the locals know about. Long story short, this guy lead us to an amazing Paella restaurant that had reasonable prices and a killer location. None of which would have been possible without the Queen of Travel in our travel party.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.